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Past Events: 2004 | Upcoming Events | 2011 Events | 2010 Events | 2009 Events | 2008 Events | 2007 Events | 2006 Events | 2005 Events | 2004 Events | 2003 Events | We are proud of our political/social education, fundraising, community outreach, and other activism events! The events listed below were presented, hosted, or strongly supported by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace or our members during 2004. Winter 2004 Saturday, January 24, 2004 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Between Dorothy Day Center and Ice Palace West 7th Street and Old 6th Street, St. Paul, MN The 2004 St. Paul Winter Carnival Ice Palace is being built in downtown St. Paul near the Dorothy Day Center, a provider of meals, food shelf, medical care, and other services for Twin Cities area homeless people. 700 union workers have volunteered more than 55,000 hours to build the 2004 Ice Palace, 3,000 volunteers will staff the exhibit and its events, and many millions of private and public dollars will be spent on its design, construction, and demolition. What if these kinds of financial donations could be raised to fight homelessness? What if people were encouraged to volunteer thousands of hours to help those in need? What if every Ice Palace visitor would donate $5 to the Dorothy Day Center in addition to his/her $5 Ice Palace admission fee? Join Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace in raising homelessness awareness!
Detailed map and parking/shuttle information available
at: Sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace. More info: www.mppeace.org or info@mppeace.org or Krista (651) 641-7592.
Ice Palace Rally for the Homeless Saturday, February 7, 2004 2:00 p.m. Dorothy Day Center West 7th Street and Old 6th Street, St. Paul, MN Join Minnesota homeless people and homeless advocacy organizations in raising public awareness on the last day of the Winter Carnival Ice Palace, February 7th! Meet at the Dorothy Day Center at 2:00 p.m. and march as a group past the Ice Palace to the Xcel Energy Center. Spread the word and bring your friends and family.
Click here for a map to the Dorothy Day Center: Detailed St. Paul map and parking/shuttle information
available at: More info: www.mppeace.org or info@mppeace.org or Krista (651) 641-7592.
Thursday, February 19, 2004 7:00 p.m. St. Mark's Catholic Church 2001 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, MN Kathy Kelly, co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness and three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, has been to Iraq twenty-five times since 1996. As part of the Iraq Peace Team, she maintained a presence there throughout the build-up to war and the bombing of Baghdad from October 2002 through April 2003. She returned to Iraq in December 2003 and January 2004. Join us on February 19th to hear the stories that you won't get in the news about life in Iraq under military occupation. Kelly will give a voice to the reality of the lives of the Iraqi people she has met and grown to know and love during her many stays in their country. Sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace, Women Against Military Madness (WAMM), Twin Cities Peace Campaign - Focus on Iraq, St. Joan of Arc/WAMM Peacemakers, Community of St. Martin, Veterans For Peace, Alliant Action, and Pax Christi Twin Cities. For more information on this event, contact: Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace Web Site: http://www.mppeace.org/events/ E-mail: info@mppeace.org Twin Cities Peace Campaign - Focus on Iraq Phone: (612) 522-1861 Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) Phone: (612) 827-5364 For more information on Voices in the Wilderness or Kathy Kelly, please visit http://www.vitw.org
Monday, March 15, 2004 7:00 p.m. Carolyn Hall, St. Mark's Catholic Church and School 1983 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, MN
John Schwarz: "Analyzing the Principles of a Free-Market Approach to Health Care" John will provide a look at medical care, health insurance, and the role employers play in the U.S. health system in terms of general economic principles such as supply and demand, consumers and producers, and the owner-worker relationship, and also the political concept of power. He will focus primarily on assessing the merits of using free-market principles for delivering health care, emphasizing the ways that medical care delivery is a distinct type of market that doesn't adhere to many of the conditions required of markets in the free-market ideal. John Schwarz has an M.A. in Government from Cornell University, where he studied theoretic political economy and focused his research on the U.S. health care system and employee benefits. He's been studying the politics and economics of health care since 1992.
Joel Albers: "Why the Minnesota Health Care System is Imploding and How We Can Transform It" Joel will discuss the essence of the debate, evidence for the care crisis, why costs are spiraling, criteria for evaluating health care systems, studies and polling data that support a single-payer model only, anatomy and strategy of the Minnesota HMO/medical-industrial complex, and some action plan options for a new health care system. Joel Albers is a health economics researcher, clinical pharmacist, and community activist. He has Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and a Pharm.D. from the University of Illinois.
Tom Pierson: "Building a Twin Cities Health Fund" Tom will give a brief history of Ithaca Health Fund and how it can lead to a local community-owned solution to health care concerns here in Minnesota and elsewhere. He will answer questions about the Twin Cities Health Fund following the presentation. Tom Pierson is a cooperative consultant, board member of Center for Prosperity, qigong practitioner, and all-around community economic activist. Sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace. For more information, contact Krista Menzel at web@mppeace.org or (651) 641-7592, or visit the Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace web site at http://www.mppeace.org.
Spring 2004
Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:00 p.m. Ruminator Books, 1648 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN Learn about the current political crisis in Haiti and the conditions that led up to it. Paul Miller is a local peace and justice advocate who has studied the complex politics and history of Haiti. He has traveled to Haiti eight times as a member of peace and justice delegations. His most recent visit was in December 2003, when he led a delegation that met with Haitian peace and justice organizations. Since his return, Haiti has been thrown into turmoil by the forced removal of the democratically-elected President of the country, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Paul will share a video from his recent trip, and will lead a discussion about historic and current issues in Haiti. Sponsored by Ruminator Books and Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace. For more information, visit the Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace web site at http://www.mppeace.org, or e-mail info@mppeace.org.
Sunday, April 25, 2004 Saturday, May 1, 2004 Sunday, May 16, 2004 Sunday, May 23, 2004 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Sunday, May 30, 2004 2:00–5:00 p.m. 1653 Laurel Avenue, St. Paul, MN The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has launched a 10-year multi-million dollar initiative called Generations at Risk to respond to the growing HIV/AIDS pandemic. Join Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace in sewing fabric drawstring bags for supplies used by thousands of home care volunteers to provide comfort to people living with HIV/AIDS. We will be donating the bags to Ten Thousand Villages on Grand Avenue, which will be collecting the care kit supplies to fill them. No sewing experience or equipment is required, but bring your sewing machine, sharp scissors, and other tools if you have them.
Materials Donations Needed! Once again, we are counting on generous materials donations from the Twin Cities peace/justice community to make this project a success:
Please visit your local fabric store for a donation or contribute the discarded scraps from your sewing room spring cleaning to this worthwhile project. Drop off all donations inside the front porch at 1937 Ashland Avenue, St. Paul, or contact Krista at info@mppeace.org or (651) 641-7592 to arrange for pick-up. We will be collecting fabric, thread, and cord, and sewing bags through the middle of June. Sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace in cooperation with Ten Thousand Villages and the Mennonite Central Committee.
Summer 2004
Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:00 p.m. Murray Herrick Campus Center, Room 304 University of St. Thomas, St. Paul A principled approach to security A practical approach to peace Learn about Friends for a Non-Violent World's plan for withdrawal from Iraq and how you can be part of the solution. Phil Steger, director of Friends for a Non-Violent World, will join Peace in the Precincts for an evening of information and community building. Peace in the Precincts believes it is possible to:
In addition to Peace in the Precincts' "Road Map out of Iraq," Phil will discuss:
For more information, call (651) 324-9320 or visit the Peace in the Precincts web site. Co-sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace and Hamline-Midway Neighbors for Peace.
Fall 2004
Sunday, October 24, 2004 7:30 p.m. Ginkgo Coffeehouse, 721 North Snelling Avenue, St. Paul $9.00 suggested donation The late Senator Paul Wellstone and his wife Sheila Wellstone were great supporters of the rich Minnesota music and arts scene and recognized its importance in public life. Join Pop Wagner, Bill Hinkley, and Judy Larson in a tribute to Paul and Sheila as part of Wellstone World Music Weekend. Local resident and folk musician Pop Wagner will be joined by long-time friends and music colleagues Bill Hinkley and Judy Larson for a special performance at the Ginkgo Coffeehouse. Enduring (and endearing) mainstays of the local music scene, Bill and Judy were the original regulars on "A Prairie Home Companion" when Garrison Keillor first started broadcasting the show, and Pop has been a frequent guest as well. All three artists recognize the power (and importance) of grassroots level involvement in our political system, a concept so important to Paul and Sheila's work. Hinkley and Larson performed at a Fair Trade Rally in Duluth where Senator Paul Wellstone appeared just two weeks before the tragic plane crash in 2002. Wagner has recently been involved with a statewide grassroots effort to add concerns of peace and justice to the official agendas of major political parties. Pop will also perform a program of Woody Guthrie songs at the Ginkgo Coffeehouse for "Saturday Morning Story Hour" on Saturday, October 23, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. More Info: Ginkgo Coffeehouse at (651) 645-2647 Ginkgo) or Pop Wagner at (612) 817-5898 Sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace: http://www.mppeace.org or info@mppeace.org
Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:00-9:00 p.m. Landmark Center, 75 West Fifth Street, St. Paul Program: 6:00-7:00 p.m. Shop at the bazaar, featuring clothing, jewelry, crafts, and books. Sales proceeds support programs for women and children in Afghanistan. 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Tickets: $40 through November 5, $50 thereafter. Tickets are available at Da Afghan Restaurant in Bloomington by calling (952) 888-5824 or (612) 418-2943 or by mailing a check payable to: P.E.C.A., P.O. Box 201542, Bloomington MN 55420. Please include your name, address, phone, and e-mail address. Partnership for Education of Children in Afghanistan (P.E.C.A.) is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization based in the Twin Cities. P.E.C.A. assists in the education and health care of children in rural Afghanistan where the educational needs of girls and boys are under-served by the larger educational aid organizations. Currently we support school construction in two rural areas, Wardak and Khost. Women for Afghan Women (WAW) is based in the New York City area. WAW provides Afghan women and girls literacy and vocational training in Kandahar. These two organizations will split the funds raised by this event. Organizers/Sponsors: Partnership for Education of Children in Afghanistan (P.E.C.A.) More Information: Glenda Marsh, Fundraising Committee Chair Partnership for Education of Children in Afghanistan (P.E.C.A.)
Sunday, December 19, 2004 5:30–7:00 p.m. Intersection of Snelling Avenue and Summit Avenue, St. Paul Light a candle for peace on the darkest night of the year! Bring a candle and join neighbors from throughout the Twin Cities to quietly witness for peaceful solutions to world problems. If you are able, please bring non-perishable food items to be donated to the Keystone Midway Food Shelf. Sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace. More information: info@mppeace.org or (651) 641-7592.
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