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Past Events: 2005 | Upcoming Events | 2011 Events | 2010 Events | 2009 Events | 2008 Events | 2007 Events | 2006 Events | 2005 Events | 2004 Events | 2003 Events | We are proud of our political/social education, fundraising, community outreach, and other activism events! The events listed below were presented, hosted, or strongly supported by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace or our members during 2005. Winter 2005 A Walk for Peace Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:45 p.m. Corner of Snelling and Summit Avenues, St. Paul Minnesota Neighbors for Peace invites you to join us for A WALK FOR PEACE in remembrance of the beginning of the war in Iraq. We will walk west in silence from the corner of Snelling and Summit in St. Paul down to the Mississippi River. When we arrive at the river we will have a sunset candlelight vigil. Invite neighbors, family, and friends to join with us to mark the second anniversary of the beginning of the war, to honor the troops, to remember the victims of war, and to hope for peace. Sponsored by: Crocus Hill / W. 7th, Merriam Park, St. Anthony Park, Seward, Como Park, and Hamline-Midway Neighbors for Peace organizations. We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Keystone Merriam Park Food Shelf. Donations can be made at the beginning or end of the walk. For more information, contact Linda Winsor: ljwinsor@yahoo.com or Katie Resch: katieresch@comcast.net, or visit the Crocus Hill / W. 7th Neighbors for Peace web site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crocushillpeace
Spring/Summer 2005 Concert for Peace Mother's Day Sunday, May 8, 2005 3:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. (Reception to follow concerts) St. Anthony Park United Church of Christ 2129 Commonwealth Ave. at Chelmsford St., St. Paul (On-street parking available) Pianist Butch Thompson and writer Bill Holm, two prominent Minnesota artists, present a benefit concert for peace on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8th. Thompson, one of the world's foremost ragtime, jazz and blues pianists, and Minnesota Book Award winner Holm, author of the recent Playing the Black Piano, will be joined by cellist Laura Sewell and pianist Thelma Hunter. Join us for a celebration of peace and justice through words and music. Reception to follow concerts. Proceeds will go to the American Refugee Committee to benefit survivors of war. Sponsored in cooperation with the Crocus Hill/West 7th
& St. Anthony Park chapters of Minnesota
Neighbors for Peace. Tickets Tickets are $25 ($20 tax-deductible); advance purchase advised. Mail check and ticket order to: 2255 Doswell Ave., Suite 201, St. Paul, MN 55108 (651) 645-5699 or purchase tickets at: Bibelot Shop 2276 Como Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108 (651) 646-5651 Micawber's Bookstore 2238 Carter Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108 (612) 646-5506 More Information: Music in the Park Series (651) 645-5699 musicinthepark@sihope.com Butch Thompson Minnesota Neighbors for Peace (651) 224-6004
Minnesota Neighbors for Peace in Grand Old Day Parade Sunday, June 5, 2005 9:00 a.m. – Meet at 708 Goodrich Avenue, St. Paul 9:30 a.m. – Walk to Grand and Dale for line-up 10:30 a.m. – Parade Starts Come one, come all! Pack up the kiddies and grannies, friends, and family! Neighbors for Peace and Friends for a Non-Violent World will be walking in the Grand Old Day Parade. We hope you will join us as we spread our message of peace and justice in our communities and the world. Wear your Neighbors for Peace t-shirts and bring your yard sign. You may purchase t-shirts ($15) and signs ($10) from Linda Winsor now or online. I also have some sweatshirts ($22), mugs ($12), and totes ($15). I will sell t-shirts, sweatshirts, and signs at my house prior to the parade. Please contact Linda Winsor by May 23 to reserve your t-shirt or sweatshirt for pickup on the day of the parade. Other positive, pro-peace signs are welcome in the parade. (Please don't bring "anti-war" or issue signs). We will provide shuttle service (for those in need) from the end of the parade at Grand and Fairview back to 708 Goodrich Avenue. This is going to be a fun event. Let's show the crowds along Grand Avenue who we are and how to contact us to get involved. More Info: Linda Winsor at ljwinsor@yahoo.com or (651) 224-6004. Click here for a map to 708 Goodrich Avenue, St. Paul.
Dessert Potluck Friday, July 29, 2005 7:00 p.m. St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, 60 North Kent Street, St. Paul Download a .pdf version of the flyer for this event. Nepal is a country tipping toward civil war. A country of contradictions, its breathtaking beauty is set against a backdrop of deep poverty and political, social, and gender injustice. Situated between India and China, Nepal is a strategic and geographic pearl for big players in the geo-political arena, not least of which is the United States. In the 1970's and 1980's, Dr. Durga Pokhrel was part of the underground democratic movement that led to a tenuous democracy in Nepal in the 1990's. In the 1970's and 1980's she was a journalist and a university lecturer until she was arrested and detained in medieval-like prisons. Beaten and tortured like many of the other women prisoners, she came to the attention of Amnesty International, which adopted her as a prisoner of conscience. Freed from prison, death threats followed her, and she eventually fled to the United States, where she earned an advanced degree at Kennedy School of Government. She married Andrew Willett and had three sons. After 16 years in the United States, Dr. Pokhrel and her family returned to Nepal, where she became the Director of Nepal's newly-formed Commission on Women. Since then she has worked bravely, tirelessly, and passionately for peace and women's rights in Nepal. Nepal's democracy was suspended by the King last winter, and there is a Maoist rebellion underway. Many of Nepal's politicians and government ministers were placed under house arrest, and the current situation there is very tense and unstable. Dr. Pokhrel has been a key force for peaceful mediation, maintaining trust and contact with both rebels and officials of Nepal's government. Her visits to rebels in the countryside and in jail reveal that as many as 40–50% of the Maoist militia are women. Dr. Pokhrel brings us an unparalleled opportunity to meet with a peacemaker and women's rights advocate at the eye of a very current political hurricane. Sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace, Crocus Hill/West 7th Neighbors for Peace, and the Nepal Social Service Fund. For more information, contact Halle at hallelujahhuzzah@aol.com or (651) 291-8502, or Krista at web@mppeace.org or (651) 641-7592.
Community Council Mayoral Candidate Forum Thursday, September 1, 2005 7:00–9:00 p.m. Bethel Christian Fellowship, 1466 Portland Avenue, St. Paul All St. Paul mayoral candidates have been invited to participate in this forum. The community councils are non-profit, non-partisan groups and are part of St. Paul's district council system. Saint Paul voters will have the opportunity to learn more about this year's mayoral candidates and to submit their own questions so they can make an informed choice at St. Paul's primary election on September 13. All participating candidates will be asked to make a short statement about their campaigns and their vision for St. Paul. Audience members will also be able to submit their questions for the candidates. This forum will be moderated by Glen McCluskey of the Merriam Park Community Council. Sponsored by Merriam Park, Macalester-Groveland, Snelling-Hamline, Hamline-Midway, Lexington-Hamline, and St. Anthony Park. For more information about the forum, please contact Theresa Heiland at (651) 645-6887. Will Peace Win?: Jonathan Schell Saturday, September 17, 2005 8:00 p.m. The Historic Fitzgerald Theater, 10 East Exchange Street, St. Paul Jonathan Schell, author of The Fate of the Earth and The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence and the Will of the People, columnist for The Nation, and a Fellow at Yale and The Nation Institute, will speak on "Will Peace Win? The Will of the People and the End of War" at a benefit for Friends for a Non-Violent World. $25 Regular Seating ($15 Discounted Seating); $50 Premium Seating; $150 Backstage Reception Package (Includes Premium Seating). Tickets available through FNVW: (651) 917-0383, info@fnvw.org, or www.fnvw.org. Sponsored by Friends for a Non-Violent World. Co-sponsored by Institute for Global Studies (UofM) and the Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers.
Fall/Winter 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005 2:00 p.m. Intersection of Summit Avenue and Snelling Avenue, St. Paul Peace activists from across the country are traveling to Washington, DC, on September 24 to protest the continuing war and occupation in Iraq. In solidarity, hundreds of rallies will take place in cities nation-wide. In solidarity with the march on Washington and other cities nation-wide, the Twin Cities stands up for peace! The Twin Cities peace community will gather at the intersection of Summit and Snelling Avenues in St. Paul, MN, on Saturday, September 24, 2005, at 2:00 p.m. One of the featured speakers at the rally will be August Nimtz, a University of Minnesota political science professor, renowned justice and peace activist, and inspiring leader for social change. The other will be a Gold Star Family member, who will speak of her tragic loss. As participants gather, they will sign postcards addressed to President Bush, telling him: It's time to end the war and occupation in Iraq. Too many people have died. There was no reason for this war. There were no weapons of mass destruction. There was no connection between Iraq and 9-11. Iraq was no threat to our national security. The war has made us less safe and more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. We would like our tax dollars to be spent on what's been neglected at home: education, jobs, health care, the infrastructure. We want our soldiers to come home and the people of Iraq to be in charge of their own country. After a short rally, participants will walk together to a local post box to mail their postcards to the White House. WAMM member Roxanne Abbas, one of the event's planners, says, "This month the Bush administration's mismanagement lost precious lives on the Gulf Coast and in Iraq. Their policies are dismantling our safety net at home and fanning the flames of terrorism abroad. Who can change this dangerous course if not us?" "Many people accepted this war at first, but people are changing their minds," says Anne Benson, co-founder member of Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace and another of the event's organizers. "People are fed up, and ready to stand up for common sense and for peace. We invite everyone — especially those who haven't protested publicly before — to join us on September 24." Sponsored by Women Against Military Madness (WAMM), Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace, Crocus Hill/West 7th Neighbors for Peace, Veterans For Peace, Friends for a Non-Violent World (FNVW), Twin Cities Peace Campaign, and Youth Against War and Racism. Click here to view and print a flyer for this event. For more information, contact WAMM at (612) 827-5364, or visit the WAMM web site at www.worldwidewamm.org.
September 29–October 1, 2005 Thursday, September 29: 10:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. Friday, September 30: 10:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. Saturday, October 1: 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. College of St. Catherine, 2004 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota Eyes Wide Open, the American Friends Service Committee's widely-acclaimed exhibition on the human cost of the Iraq War, features a pair of boots honoring each U.S. military casualty, a field of shoes and a Wall of Remembrance to memorialize the Iraqis killed in the conflict, and a multimedia display exploring the history, cost, and consequences of the war. This exhibit is coming to Minneapolis-St. Paul September 29–October 1, and will be displayed on the St. Kate's campus.
Sunday, December 18, 2004 5:30–7:00 p.m. Intersection of Snelling Avenue and Summit Avenue, St. Paul Light a candle for peace on the darkest night of the year! Bring a candle and join neighbors from throughout the Twin Cities to quietly witness for peaceful solutions to world problems. Financial donations will be accepted to benefit the Center for Victims of Torture. After the vigil, warm up and socialize at Coffee News Café (1662 Grand Avenue). Sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace. More information: info@mppeace.org or (651) 641-7592.
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